How to photograph your GlazeMe nails.
We absolutely love it when our customers share photos of their GlazeMe nail creations. Here's some great tips to make your photos look professional and make all your friends envious!
We can't all have professional SLR cameras. If you do - Great ! If not you can still get great results from a point and shoot camera or camera phone.
Camera Shooting Mode:
Most cameras will have some sort of Macro mode. (usually designated by a flower icon )
Macro mode allows you to focus on things very close to the camera.
Good lighting is key to a good photo. Daylight is great, but not direct sunlight. but if it's dark outside, turn on your
flash and some "white-light" like flouro lights.
Make your nails the focus. People don’t want to see a blurry picture of nails from half a foot away. Importantly dont
have clutter in the photo taking focus away from your nails.
Your Pose:
Let your hands sit naturally. Don't scrunch your fingers up like claws or have your fingers too spaced apart. Keep it soft
and elegant. playing around with different "poses" to find what's comfortable for you, and always make sure every nail is
in focus.
Here's some of our favourite photos for inspiration. Most of all - Have Fun!
The GlazeMe Team