10 Great Benefits of Glass Nail Files You Should Know About

If you happen to be one of those women who are in a love-hate relationship with their emery board, this will definitely tickle your interest: glass files are the answer to all your problems related to nail filing. All that sawing, nail peeling and mess will be just a bad memory if you make the glass file a staple of your beauty bag. Interested to know more? Here are 10 great reasons to ditch any traditional file you are using and get a glass nail file right now:
- Forget about the harsh emery boards or metal files! Glass files are much more suitable, sealing the keratin layers together at the edge of the nails and minimizing chipping.
- Glass files hardly wear off. They stay etched for an insane amount of time, unlike all the emery boards you have been using so far.
- The innovative glass files are extremely easy to clean. All you need is water and soap, and the job is done. However, when used in professional environments, they should be sanitized and sterilized, eliminating the risk of spreading fungal nail infections.
- A glass file will never corrode like a metal one hence it will never look nasty. Au contraire, it will be one of the fanciest beauty tools in your vanity kit.
- Another advantage of the remarkable glass file is that it works well both with natural and artificial nails. Remember to dip it in water from time to time when filing faux nails. Easy!
- Expect a smooth, 5-star manicure every time you file your nails with the glass file. And stronger nails with every use, which is even better!
- Amazing for professional use, the glass file should be the go-to instrument for every manicurist. With an amazing grinding performance, it will make sure clients leave the salon with great-looking and bacteria-free nails.
- The abrasive surface of glass files will make the edges of your nails super-smooth and, if you use them on a regular basis, you can forever say goodbye to split nails.
- This nail tool is an amazing gift for any woman who loves to flaunt an impeccable manicure at all times. Besides, it looks really chic even when used in public (always keep one in your handbag and don’t shy away from using it when necessary!).
- You are too cool and classy to be still using emery boards and metallic files. Get your glass file now and make it work! Your gorgeous nails will be seriously envied.
Are you already using a glass nail file, ladies, or just about to get one for the first time?
Check out our new GlazeMe Glass Nail File